Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Adventures Of Little Nunu......... Continued

.......Then in front of her was the "Lion" ( austin). Little
Nunu thought to her-self, "how did he get up here so fast?".
But she had no time to think about how he got there so
fast. She had to worry about running for her life. So off she ran
down the "long spiral stair case" (front stairs) and off down "Mt
Everest" (gentle slope to clothes line). She then came across
"The sea of clovers" (back yard), little Nunu sees something moving
on the other side,a couple of seconds later she hears her mummy
calling her. Little Nunu decides to listen to her mummy and goes up the
"giant mountain" (back stairs) and lets her mummy tuck he into bed
with all her toys,
Sweet Dreams little Nunu

To be concluded........

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